A project born out of a simple question
The origins of NOMON
Over my twenty year career since joining TEIJIN LIMITED and working on researching pharmaceuticals, I have been fortunate enough to have an excellent research environment and outstanding colleagues. Yet there was always a vague question in the back of my mind. It goes without saying that developing new pharmaceuticals is an amazing opportunity, and we will likely soon eradicate cancer. However, even with the advent of cutting-edge drugs, many issues remain unresolved in this era of a super-aged society -- such as the growing costs of nursing and medical care. Japan is faced with a looming sense of unease at how to tackle this problem. With the coming age of people living to 100 and beyond, that means that we will have some forty years ahead of us post-retirement; and in our final ten years of life, nursing is an eventuality. That is why we therefore feel the need to discuss and tease out new solutions to what it truly means to be healthy of body and mind in this day and age. NOMON's focus is thus on exploring ways of respecting people's fundamental right to lead fulfilling lives from start to finish.
We found ourselves asking a key question: Are there nutrients and foods that would have the same beneficial effects as medicine? In other words, something close to the ancient Japanese concept of a balanced diet leading to good health.
Our thinking was that, by drawing on the vast body of knowledge on food that mankind has developed so far, if we can use clear evidence based on cutting-edge scientific modalities to find foods that are beneficial for health, it would allow for preventive treatment in the context of our everyday lives, and in turn resolve issues associated with medical costs and nursing. This was the origin of NOMON.